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These art works displayed are for sale as an original  water-color, or acrylic, but many are also offered  as Giclee prints. If you would like to know more about this option, 

click on Giclee Print on the Menu at the top of the page.

Sierra Nevadas Mt.jpg
Zoo interchange.jpg
pastel farm vehicles.jpg
Middleton at dusk.jpg


On the Road

This series of paintings was conceived while riding and photographing from an automobile. Most of these paintings are inspired by various trips taken, where  I wanted to remember a time and place. If you are willing to record a special sight, ihe painting will take you back, every time you look at it, to the places, events, or the emotion which made it so special. To view an enlargement, and learn more about the development and style of each painting, and to purchase: click on an image.

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